Hello everyone.. back I am in the reviews... Now lets wonder about the dark side of humans and the possible plethora of the unknown..
Well, Skeleton Key is not as much a horror but more of a thriller... Its not a traditional movie and the director does take a different stance on the movie... This movie doesnt rely on extreme special effects and suddenly ghosts or ugly faces jumping on the screen.. But the intensity of the movie and the persisitent interest arises of the smooth flow of the movie...
The actors in the movie play their role vey well, though at times the movie seemsto drift... But only momentarily as the director has done a great job of getting the movie back on track...
This movie (cant divulge much and make this movie a spoiler) is a story about a woman who has lost her father and how she tries to make up for the time she could not spend with him by becoming a nurse and taking care of elderly... But things go really wrong...
The movie prides itself on the ending... For me the ending was great but left me a bit zapped, but never the less a very Twisted Ending...
Overall a good watch...