Well when I saw this movie, I had already read quite a few reviews and recommendations in TOI from people like Shashi Tharoor, BagchiKakaria. My expectations rose many a times post its golden globes nomination.
To start with the movie is kind of a movie which is a documentary on the life of slums. And for a foreign director to make a movie onan Indian subject which hasn’t been explored much makes it even better work.
The movie starts with Jamaal (the protagonist) being interrogated by cops (Saurabh Shukla and Irffan Khan) of cheating in the famous KBC. As the story progresses, Jamaal narrates his life and on the way explains how he knew answers to each and every question asked.
The strength of the movie as said earlier is the direction and fine aspects taken care by the director. There are no jokes or funny moments but each of the moment and sub plot is so original and beautifully crafted that it really deserves a standing ovation.
A must see for all.