Below is the mail I sent to cust service of snapdeal and didnt receive anything other than sorry for inconvenience.
Order number 3029053013. Please permanently close my account. I was kept being lied to repeatedly on the status that I was getting on my order. Not having stock is not the issue. The issue is that I was reported that the item was packed and ready and delay was due to issues with courier.
How can it become stock out reason now. I know that the reason is price difference. I still see the same item on your site with a higher price now. This clearly makes it evident the true reason for cancelling this order. I was supposed take this to my parents during diwali. It has spoiled my whole plans.
I am afraid to say that I will not be shopping again on snapdeal and also ensure that I pass this on to my IT colleagues and friends so that they stay away from your site. Please permanently disable my account on snapdeal. I dont see the option to permanently opt out on your site.
Vijay Vaidyanathan
P.S:- I have already uninstalled the snapdeal mobile app from my phone, so please oblige and delete my account permanently.