Well Where to Start.
First of all OM NUMAH SHIVAY.
I am going to be very simple here on sony ericsson k700i, I own the phone from 2-3 months now, and I must say I was disappointed when I first got the phone but now I would rate it as 7/10.
1) Camera quality is Poor - Yep, its very poor. Nokia 6230 and Nokia 6600 beats the cameras quality under Interior Lighting conditions, whereas in outer SUNLIGHT, K700i camera is better but the PINK, RED & Purple colours distort in sunlight and give an unnatural effect.
2) ZOOMING - The zoom only works when you reduce the resolution from 640 to 320 u know wat I mean. Thats is the biggest disappointment for me
3) Mp3 Player - This is the coolest thing ever, you just transfer to the phone and listen to songs on headphones or speakerphone. Its just very good quality on headphones. The speakerphone crackles a bit but hey.
4) Radio - Cant say more, just genius
5) Themes - Somewhat disappointing , but still very good. it cannot beat nokia 6600 in this case but still I am satisfied
6) Bluetooth - This is one single factor which can make people buy this phone. This phone has a feature called (HUMAN INTERFACE DEVICE or HID), I got Bluetooth USB from UK for £20 which is about 1700 Rs, Very cheap indeed. And the things I can do with it is amazing. The speed of transfer is 25 KB per second.
7) Control you PC via BLUETOOTH - I can also connect K700i as a MOUSE to my laptop, the joystick on k700i works as a mouse and its just amazing. I can control winamp, media player and desktop and even presentations, Such a cool feature.
8) Use Computer speakers and microphone for calling via BLUETOOTH - Now this is amazing, I can connect my phone via bluetooth to my computer and then connect with a feature called AUDIO GATEWAY. When I call someone from my phone it will ask me retrieve the voice on phone or COMPUTER SPEAKERS. I couldnt believe my ears when I was hearing my mom talking to me via phone but I was talking through the medium of SPEAKERS and MICROPHONE of my computer. Just Superb
9) Games - Limited to JAVA no SIS files as in Nokia but still it is cool feature
10) ANIMATED WALLPAPERS - This is another cool feature, you can use animated wallpapers and just looks amazing. I have the animateed matrix wallpaper and its just so damn cool
Jai Shree Krishna