Remember the above words - I wonder whether it was Peter Drucker or some other sucker who said it. It rings true for everyone who has bought a sony ericsson z300i. I got one for my better half as it looked cool and had a colorful red cover too after she cooked and drowned her costly sony K750i cell in the washing machine. I read about sonys faults with their low end phones but ignored it and I turned out to be the sucker hook, line and sinker! This phone has given me every phone problem known to man- poor reception, very low volume, screen going blank, water seeping in and poor charge retention etc. My better half took my nokia and gave me the sony as a result. It is said sony phones stop working even if you sweat! All this is no sweat for a nokia however. I remember once travelling by train and every other guy with a nokia that cost 1/3rd the cost was coolly chatting away on their phones but I was left watching them like a zombie, as my phone said no signal! Sony appears to be getting themselves a bad name with their batteries and cameras, and selling such lemons is going to do their reputation no good. I am hoping and praying that the phone konks out on me soon so that I can get a Nokia without a bad conscience. Heres one case where buying merely based on the brand wont stand you in good stead. Choose Sony only for the expensive high end phones with features.