I brought SONY VAIO laptop VGN-CS25GN/B from ezone in May2009. Initially every thing was smooth. after 5 months issues started: first with the LCD. A thin blue/ green/ pink [I don’t exactly remember the color] horizontal line started appearing at the bottom of the screen.
took it to service station, they did replaced LCD and gave it back after 10 days.
after 2-3 weeks. then suddenly d laptop dies[not switching on].
again had to take it to service.got the MTX[Motherboard] replaced. in another 5-10 days.
and then could find an announcement for warranty extension for some other defect[fan noise.] from sony for the same product.
Issue is not with the support provided, its with the value for money/ quality. how can LCD & Motherboard fail in less that 6 months. we can understand if the fan makes sound:)
they were not willing to replace the product. I think its coz, even they may not be confident on their product. that same issues may come in new laptops also.
This crap had cost 55K INR.
I would suggest you all not to go by the brand name. from my exp. this product its just a crap. HP, Lenovo or any other laptop. say Toshiba would be a better option for this amount of money.
I’m using the sony erricson mobile for past 3 years [w850] with out any issues. and I’m not against sony products in any way.
but I have to say VGN-CS25GN/B is nothing but a crap.
I don’t get any responses from online support too. which is making me write this. and I will post the same across all available sites so that people are aware of these low quality products from this big brand.
BEWARE. all.
cheers. gud luck.