Spice Jet... the air craft looks colour ful with the Red - Orange Doted tail and a red tone in the interior…
Business Model: Low cost Carrier.. shaped on the AirDeccan model… Second Entry to the LCA segment. No Free tickets or Rs. 1 Tickets… Operates large aircrafts Boeing and has operations primarily in the North.
Ticketing: The navigation thru website is easy and SSL secured. Seats could be selected while booking itself. SpiceJet Charges Rs. 100 – 200 as fuel surcharge in addition to the listed fare. So the actual fare works out to be Rs.300
or Rs 400 (Including the PSF) more than the listed fare.
Schedule: Mostly delayed by 30 Mins to 3 Hrs ( My experience) But keeps u updated about the delay thru SMS and Phone Calls. Nice Job
Flight / Interier – The Aircraft looks comparatively OLD and the interiors are OK.. Flown at Mid night and so no idea. They Serve Water and some cookies / peanuts as complement. Spice also allows the passenger to carry His/Her own food in the aircraft.
I took the SpiceJet For MAA – HYD Sector after my GOAir Ticket was goofed up. ( Read my review about GOAir). Took a midnight flight bound to Delhi, with a stop over at HYD. Opted for the late night flight so that can spend some more time with the family on the day of Christmas. The flight was delayed by 3.00 Hys due to Delhi Fog. But the SpiceJet team was updating thru SMS..
Finally reached the Airport at 12.00 in the night…. Waited in the cold night, , and the flight came at 3.50.. Boarded the aircraft , No Aero bridge was provided.. Came to HYD at 4.20.. took a auto and came home… Could have taken a train itself… and slept for the night… any way it’s no ones’ fault….
Would love to fly in Spice..and nice if they could start more frequency
Now SpiceJet flying daily in HYD - MAA sector, with one flight in the morining and another at Midnight (Alternative days) This works well for MAA - HYD -MAA trips, But for HYD - MAA - HYD, the timings are odd. Wish SpiceJet increases the frequency by introducting another flight in the evenings.