Well, to all you jealous non-stanislites.. St.Stanislaus, was, is and will always be, the best high school in Mumbai. Like anyother Stanislite, I have probably more fond memories of our alma mater then anything else.
I still remember Tamhane sir pulling my ears during the PT exam, the class assembly in the school hall, the lunch rooms, those recess football matches on those enormous grounds, the caged cricket pitch, the school bus (No.2) water bottle fights, the Banyan tree... each memory as fresh as the other.
Even after so many years, its always this great school that invites all my trips down memory lane. And Im proud that I havent lost touch with so many of my batchmates. Though I would love to get in touch with all.
Be it sports or studies... we were there... Ok.. we never had many merit rankers... (atleast none when I got through) ... but we sure had more fun then just digging books.
So Stanislaus...