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Member Since:Oct 15, 2001
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Not your typical next door neighbor! If you find me on the street anytime after 11pm.. stay away.. I'm probably drunk! . Automobiles, Movies, Travel, Friends
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Education: MS Industrial Engineering
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Guns N Roses without Axl Rose
Reviewed Contraband - Velvet Revolver
So the album echoes like any other GNR album, of course, without Axl Rose lending his vocals for a change. But Id still give it a 5 star rating siRead more...
Now thats what I call a thriller!
Reviewed Suicide Kings
The recipe for Suicide Kings is just perfect: A cup of each: Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs - throw in some classic comic punchlines - and Vola!Read more...
Japanese or American?
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Car
Well, this is slowly becoming an age old question in the US. Should I buy a Japanese or an American make? Though, others, like European and Korean, do exist iRead more...
Rockin' with the Guns!
Reviewed Appetite for Destruction - Guns N' Roses
Ok! Theyve broken up. Axl has filled the gaps with Buckethead, left overs from other bands and cameos by other artists like Dave Navarro (Oh My GoRead more...
Naya Jersey!
Reviewed New Jersey
Many people, myself included (at times though), criticize New Jersey for its large and obvious desi population. But the reality is, New Jersey, isRead more...
Sabse Achhe Bachhe Kaun? VJ..VJ!!
Reviewed Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI) - Mumbai
If you want me to sum up life at VJTI, well, it starts and ends in the VJTI canteen. The canteen was the hub for all activities - from outsourcingRead more...
Face it! It is THE BEST SCHOOL!
Reviewed St Stanislaus High School - Mumbai
Well, to all you jealous non-stanislites.. St.Stanislaus, was, is and will always be, the best high school in Mumbai. Like anyother Stanislite, I have probablRead more...
Outrageous, pathetic, amateur outfit
Reviewed VRL Packers and Logistics
I was told by the store that to deliver a shipment to the godown would be Rs. 280 and home delivery would be Rs. 340. The store shipping the products paid Rs.Read more...
Commented on kapsi's review
The original is by Don Mclean! Madonna's version really sucks.
Commented on CurtParton's review
Its fiction... so no point talking about accuracies! Thats the fun part. You get a ride of a life time. This book does what a movie would typically do... pack the thrills in a few hundred pages! Dont be so serious about its inaccuracies.. they are not intended to be true anyway... believe what your Read More...
Rated on CurtParton's review
Commented on nikamma1112's review
I like your style. Hey did you know, the background score - compare it to the score on 'Lord of The Rings'!! Talk about 'lifting'!!!
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Commented on missy32's review
Missy32 - Having worked in Linden (GM) for 3 years , i pretty much know the place by nook and corner. Nice to see someone actally write about that place. Quiznos and Starbucks - hmm.. thats in the airport mall? Anyways - there used to be a sub shop - Big Blues - which was my favorite. There are rea Read More...
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Rated on shrejeet's review
Rated on mohanR's review
Rated on iceman18976's review
Commented on iceman18976's review
Ur review rocks dude! Keep writing!! And looks like we were batchmates!!!! (1993) -Stanislite93
Commented on Cousin2's review
A good variation to 'sex on the beach' is S'noff + melon liquor + orange juice. Anyways, I agree...Smirnoff rulz! I know folks who would vouch for Absolut, but nothing as smooth as Smirnoff. Some other recommendations: 1) S'noff+ Tonic water + lemon twist 2) S'noff + lemon barley Cheer Read More...
Rated on Cousin2's review
Followed sujay_marthi
Commented on sujay_marthi's review
I agree on one thing for sure.. As individuals we rock! As a team we suck! I think the best way towards progress is through education! But no politician wants his people educated. Cause they all know, education gives a man power to judge, judge what is right and wrong, judge people. So a Read More...
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