Hi All - The issue below has been resolved. After a month of sending emails and calls to CC, I send across a legal notice. Within 3 days of that I got emails and letter from SCB that the error has been rectified and my card has been set to zero. Also that my name will be cleared from Cibil. There goes the old saying - "Latto ke Bhoot Batoo se nahi mante"
I had closed this card in around May-June 2004. The reason was that Rs.700/- came up as yearly charge which I wanted Standard Chartered to reverse which the customer care refused. So it was mutually agreed to close this card.
I paid the balance and got it confirmed from customer care that card is closed
I started getting regular statements from then on which started with 700 and went on till @ Rs.2000 in January 2005.
Inbetween I called Customer care 2-3 time and again and again they confirmed that card is closed and I should ignore the statements.
In Feb 2005 somebody from Standard Chartered called me to check this payment. We discussed it and he agreed to look back at the transactions and get back to me. He never called again.
The statements stopped after that.
I shifted to Bangalore in April 2006.
Now when I wanted to take a Home Loan from SBI, I got this information that the Cibil report shows that I defaulted on Rs.4000 on this card. My Home Loan is stuck due to this report.
I called CC 4 times in the last 4 days. Was told that I will get a callback but got none.
Also to get a hardcopy I need to pay Rs.25 per page. So I need to pay for Standard Chartered’s negligence
Nobody from SCB has bothered to even call back. I walked into the office of SCB in bangalore. They gave me a standard reply - Oh this is chennai case, we cannot handle it.
If anybody has the ombudsman email or phone no please let me know. I want to try contacting him too. Thank you