Hi I am Himanshu Jain from delhi.I am dealing with standard chartered last 5-6 years.I take personal loan from StanC in 2013 till date I paid 23 emis without any gaps and late aishwaryasingh23ments.last month I visit to noida branch and meet with Mr ravinder from loan division to increase my old loan .he suggest for take new loan and close old one.I agree for it but so much time I askd him what is amount of new loan and how much money transfer afte
r deduction old loan he didnt gives me answer.after 10 days I received msg from bank your loan is approved@224000/rps and theyre transferred 83000rps in my account.now I want to close my new personal loans andre open my old loan.no one ready to help me.I will take legal action against Mr ravinder.soon.