My experience with SCB has been awful. Ive had to keep this account simply because its where my salary goes from the company. I had requested for a change of name around 2 years ago. The executive asked me to provide an original affidavit (very strange considering that most banks accept attested copies). I got another affidavit done specially for SCB and sent it to them. When I did not hear from them after 2-3 weeks, I called only to be told that the affidavits were lost. I was furious but nevertheless sent photocopies. I did hear from them again for many weeks and when I called, you are not going to believe it, but they said they couldnt locate my papers. I escaleted the matter to the branch manager who assured me that something would be done in 2 days but he didnt have the courtesy to even call back or let me know whats happening. No response to emails either. I was so disgusted with the repeated calls, mails, letters that my name remains unchanged even after 2 years. Recently I asked for a bank statement, they said it would be sent in 4 days, it came after 20 days, they charged me Rs. 150.00 (they said Rs. 50.00) and at the end of it all, it was the wrong statement.
Small nationalised banks do a better job, where you just walk in, wait for 15 minutes and get you get your work done. Gone are the days!!!!!