Standard Chartered Bank Sales folks leaning/promising for everything to trap the
customer and not providing even a picnh of it. The moment you think of Home Loan
from SC bank you should stop worrying about all other issues thats because the SC
folks will create hell lot of issues/challenges in the Home Loan Seeking procedure
that nothing would seem more complicated in Life then taking a Home Loan.
Before I consulted SC for a Home Loan I already had a Home Loan sanctioned by
HSBC. The only reason I explored SC was their Fixed interest rate in the Home
savers for entire tenure.
Day 1: The SC sales person asks for the cheque of processing fees. Without a
complete fee the file wont be processed. Why ? Cos the bank already is afraid of losing a customer and hence this processing fees. Atleast thats not the case with
HSBC. They go ahead with half the processing fees and the later half after sanctioning the loan.
Day 2: You are told that you will get a call from an evaluator from SC bank side.
Rather then the evaluator tracing you, you end up calling him 10 times to make
sure that the evaluation happens on time.
Day 10: The evaluator comes and asks for a bribe for giving a quoting a higher
value of the house under consideration.....
Finally you see new rules coming into the picture and no convergence.
I was lucky to have an already sanctioned loan from HSBC and after going through
the pains of SC I can appreciate how seamlessly it went through with HSBC.
Now every service I get from HSBC I can appreciate their professionalism.