Had a misfortune of being their customer for 2 years via credit card. The most horrible experience ever as statements never arrive, they would send add-on card on their own without your consent, would not cancel your card even after you write to them, would keep on adding amount to your card even though you applied for cancellation, would then transfer the case to recovery agents who are the worst in the business. You would only wish this bank to your worst of enemies. And now my sisters new corporate salary account has been opened with this god-forbidden bank. M just praying for herwith my fingers crossed.
One of my acquaintance had a misfortune of availing a personal loan from them. The last heard. he had repaid his entire loan but the bank has still not closed that account and are now defaulting him for payment!
Will RBI ever wake up to such frauds like S(a)tandard Chartered and ABN Amro bank? These banks should have their banking licence cancelled or supervise under strict RBI surveillance.
Wake Up Indians