MasterCard keeps advertising perks and facilities for its Gold Card customers (notably, airport lounges), but Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) keeps informing me (only when I ask, mind you!) that they dont offer those to their customers. Why?
SCB also keeps advertising cashback offers (with no time limit indications, making you think it will last forever) at petrol bunks and then quietly withdraws it with no notice whatsoever. I regularly used their card for fuel. I dont any more.
My worst experience with SCB cards has been a credit card fraud I was subjected to. An unauthorized transaction for Rs. 1, 15, 000/- was charged to my card (read this review for full details: I disputed the transaction. A month later, I got a letter from them, saying that a proof-of-authorization was attached. Attached, was a charge slip with a really bad attempt to forge my signature. Even a kid could see that it was a forgery. And SCB (or whoever does their investigation for them) could not see it in a month-long investigation!
I have protested again and asked them to reverse the disputed transaction. They say theyre investigating again, and that could take upto 40 more days. Meanwhile, my card stands frozen because when the disputed transaction is added to the valid ones, the total is more than my credit limit.
My fingers are crossed, and my lawyer is on the job.