I was a happy jolly good fellow, satisfied with HDFC and ICICI bank, when unfortunately SC came to my life...
now I am looking for ways to close the card asap, never in my life I had to bother for statement or customer care or bill payment.
SC card really made me unrest for 2 days as I could not find my Outstanding amount, statement, I did not get any credit period for transactions I made, call center not able to get connected, suddenly one find day I found that my payment was due in next 4 days..
Have transferred it through other bank, dont know when it will be credited. Once all dues are clear, I want to surrender the card and lead a peaceful life..
Friends, If possible please avoid the card. It is just for style. All the offers are only for selling the card, but u will not get any facility to use the offers like surcharge on petrol, 5% cash back on deptt stores, buy 1 get 1 movie offers.
I will recommend u take 2 tickets for paying for 2, but dont take SC card, it will make u mentally torture