Manhattan suckered me into taking their card. Due to bad experiences with other credit cards in the past and also due to a natural aversion to paying annual fees, I decided to give this new credit card a shot.
My excuse is that I was busy at the time, and didnt research them properly. Had I known that this was just another incarnation of Standard Chartered, I would have run for the hills.
There is no annual fee, provided you use the card at least once in six months. Another condition they try to impose is a mobile phone is mandatory. I never pass out my cell number to banks etc anymore as they misuse it by calling up endlessly. So I had told the salesperson that I didnt have a mobile. So they settled for a mandatory email id. I created a special account just for them, which they have proceed to spam with advertisements.
Turns out that they do have an annual fee - for the very same ads which I dont want.
So I cancelled the card. But they still send me bills, with late fee charges of Rs350 per month.
Another thing about them and their whole branding exercise is that it appears to be aimed at the immature. The call centre dudes and dudettes try to talk to you as if theyve known you all their lives.