Standard chartered is the most unethical foreign bank operating in india with out any respect for law of the state.I had a credit card from them and I used it only 3 o 4 times and paid all amount.Their agent told me that it is a free card for life with out any charge and after 2 years they asked me to pay annual fee.I told them that I am not interested and they can de activate my card.After that they didnt sent me any statement or letters .But they reported my name as defaulter to CIBIL.RBI has given clear directive that bank should sent statements and intimations regularly to customer.
Apart from this they created an add on card in my name with out even informing me.But they promptly added charges on that card.In fact I never received such a card.
It is a shame that our central bank is not taking any action against such bank.They are clearly violating RBI directives They just want to make maximum money from indians, in which ever way possible, be it unethical, fraud or day light robbery and siphone off that money to US OR EUROPE.If you have any banking relation with this bank please close it as early as possible and make sure that you have a settlement letter from them.
The more bank with them the more will you be cheated.Their customer service is probably worst I ever spoke to.They behave in most careless manner to customers.