I start with a confession - I have missed credit payments when I am out of town. But then I have made up and can boast of a good credit record.
Having got this record straight let me pour my grievances - I had dropped the due payment for the month of November and set off on my official trip. I received the latest statement and saw a charge of INR 350 slapped on me for non payment! Ouch! Then I checked my account to realise that the cheque reflects nowhere. This meant double trouble. My poor cheque was floating somewhere, but where!!
Anyway I called up the call centre and gave the cheque details and explained that I was not guilty of late payment. Read on to know what I got to hear from a friendly voice at the other end - Madam, your cheque has not reached us. If you miss payments you know na what kind of people will come to your home and get the payment (this is not verbatim, so pardon me on that)
Whoa! I was stunned, I have a petite voice threatening me of dire consequences if I miss my payment (one payment) and which was not true in this case at all.
The bank is offering me a convenience (really!?) and the call centre folks are empowered to threaten. This was the last straw and I have taken the relevant steps to get the card cancelled.
So folks, if you want to have a card that waives annual fee for life, be prepared to meet people who will humiliate you and it will hurt when you have done nothing to deserve it.
Big Apple - its a pity you are being cursed in this process!!!