I went to this store, and the first and unfortunately the only thing I found good about is the parking. I went inside the store with an idea to buy DVDs (Blank Moser Baer) ad anything else that impresses in stationery
I was shocked to see that even in a bulk quantity of CD (100 numbers) the price was 10. I remember purchasing some 50 at 7 rupees 4 years back, so these guys are obviously... cheating...
I then decided to scan my primary motive, which was DVD and guess what another shocker at 16-20 rupees a piece, this is higher than even local stationery stores.
Then I went about looking at external hard drives, cartridges, even pens and ordinary stationery items. Everything was overpriced. Examples include pens advertised as "never before offer" at 8 rupees, everyone knows the retail price of a reynolds pen I guess. Overall I got a feeling that this is another cheating trial from future group as usual.