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Member Since:Feb 18, 2007
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Education: M.Sc
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Much Hyped Nonsense
Reviewed Staples - Bangalore
I went to this store, and the first and unfortunately the only thing I found good about is the parking. I went inside the store with an idea to buy DVDs (BlanRead more...
Fraud - Cash back reversed without reason
Reviewed HDFC Bank Visa Credit Card
I hold a HDFC card for about 8 months now. Initially they offered me a scheme for cash back on whatever I spend, I found this to be attractive and started usRead more...
Looks too good but bad in service
Reviewed Naukri.com
I have a bitter experience with Naukri. I have registered different email ids with differnt job sites and so I know which consultants call came through becauRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sleaze's review
Rated on praveensbrain's review
Commented on praveensbrain's review
This review should be removed, this guy could not stop from advertising... this is a high priced... high hyped... no-value-for-money store
Rated on kutchiboy's review
Commented on kutchiboy's review
Why would you write such a bad review about buying choices and name it a review on shoes, its not worth it, moreover you rate yourself... I cant beleve this
Rated on shabsids's review
Commented on shabsids's review
Come on, you never spoke about product quality, with one bad experience you cant say product is bad.
Rated on VinuthaVikram's review
Commented on VinuthaVikram's review
This looks like a marketing review by company staff, otherwise who will buy three pairs of shoes at the same time. This is as if they did to test the quality and write a review here. I doubt this comment's validity
Rated on suraaz's review
Commented on dwivediakash's article
Clarification Hei.. This service is only available in chennai, visit jeevan.org for more details
To Find BLOOD Donor Send SMS to 96000 97000
Rated on jayakumarr's review
Commented on jayakumarr's review
This is a bad review... its like an advertisement for the card and its reward point program
Rated on SANDY21's review
Commented on puravoorkk's review
If i were in your place I would have told them that if you did not receive the payment I dont care, these guys only respect people who dont pay up, so they will come to your doorstep and take action.
Rated on puravoorkk's review
Rated on preetib's review
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