I purchased "Vego Atom Air Cooler " from star CJ and seriously it was completely different from the description and when I complaint that I am not satisfied , one of the CCE Miss.Parvinder talked to me in such a way I really felt insulted as I informed her several times that I am not satisfied but like an UN-educated person she was again and again explaining the policy of receiving a defected and damaged product really a great mistake to place an order with a fake company who dont even care about customer satisfaction worst experience being a customer I was treated as a beggar as Abdul of the CCE informed me that there is no other option of refund only via check or CJ points and I was trying to explain what if the concern person doesnt have an a\c then how the cheque will be en-cashed but again and again the same stupid reply that these are the only option .I REALLY DIDNT UNDERSTOOD IT MY MONEY AND FOR THAT ALSO I AM TREAT HAS "IF U WANT THE REFUND THIS IS THE ONLY OPTION ELSE WE WILL CANCEL THE RETURN AND BELIVE ME ABDUL AND PARVINDER WAS CALLING FROM COMPLAINTS TEAM AND THIS HOW COMPALINT WAS HANDLED WITH NO RESOLUTION. Abdul and Parvinder have not provided me any solution ...really upset and seems that I have committed a sin by placing order with STAR CJ *