Dear readers and friends,
The Star Health and Allied Insurance is a fake company with its bag of scams. I received a phone call 6 years ago saying that their company is selling health insurance which covers almost all the diseases under their policy and I too thought that it is a good policy and worth buying it. I was not expecting to get scammed at time of buying this insurance and paying its deposits. Lat year I got seriously ill and when I showed my policy card to the hospital, they refused to accept it and told me that they have seen many other people to get scammed by this company too and the company is not going to pay any type of claim for me. I tried to contact the customer service but they also left it over me.
At last I paid all the payment for my treatment and all money that I invested in the Health insurance is just wasted in the scam that will not let me trust any other company out there who tries to convince me by saying that their company gives health insurances.
I will not recommend anyone to trust on such companies and let us all fight against these fraud companies and their scam traps.
Thank you.