Subject:my policy lapsed 1 month STAR HEALTH CUSTOMER CARE PEOPLE ask me to go for new policy without my mistake. NOT considering renewal.
Dear sir, My policy Mr.Rameshkumar Ramalingapuram Muthuswamy Policy No:P/161118/01/2012/003864/001 and my mother policy Mrs.suseela Muthuswamy Policy number P/161118/01/2012/004066-both lapsed 1 month star agent asking me to go for new policy without my mistake. No call received from STAR health insurance side and the agent(SANJEEV KUMAR /BA0000082493)have not taken any responsibility to extend my three years unclaimed policy expired and my bonus points are unused.I request star health people to reconsider our both policies for renewal.And also consider changing my existing agent service to new agent Manish goel BA0000022101.I request Star health people to reconsider our both policies for renewal.
Dr.Rameshkumar Muthuswamy
CMO Incharge DFIT Delhi Project.