I have been a fan of The Next Generation crew for many years. I fell in love with the characters. I liked the sci-fi plot with the aliens and space exploration. I also wish I had a transporter so I would not have to waste money on gasoline all the time. I watched Data evolve from being just another android to something almost human with emotions and a sense of caring for the rest of the crew. Commander Riker changed from a womanizing and arrogant man, to someone with integrity and maturity. He and Deanna eventually rekindled their old romance after a series of lame relationships. Worf also has softened from the obnoxious warrior to someone who thinks of humor as a Federation goal. Not just his personal goal as a Klingon. Jordi got some new visual aids, and some new confidence I think. Beverly Krusher...hmmm she did not change all the much to me. I think she will always have the hots for Jean-Luc. Captain Picard changes a bit too. I think he is more confident as Captain and he realizes that not everything is by the book, but he follows it usually. He is the father figure who has never been a father. Perhaps he is re-evaluating his life. No wife or kids, but his crew is like having kids. Who is his wife? The Federation?
This latest installment for the TNG crew was a disappointment. Yes, it made you reflect on how much they had grown as individuals and as a crew since we first met them, but it was disappointing with the storyline. The fact that Picard was cloned was enough to annoy me. I like the good old Star Trek villains like the Borg or Khan (my favorite). Cloning Picard was a stupid plot twist. Yes they explained why he was cloned and that the aging process was sped up for his clone. However, Picard is struggling with the fact that the clone is he physically. The crew keeps reminding him that the clone is not he. Of course not! Genetically they are identical, but so are identical twins. Does that make them the same person? Experience is what makes a person unique. Picard says, what if I had his experiences. Would I react the way he does? Perhaps, but again, personality still has something to do with reactions. I just hated that whole clone, am I him or is he me, thing. It ruined a potentially good film about growth and family. The film just needed a good old-fashioned Star Trek villain. Someone bent on breaking up the Federation and dominating the universe. Not just some lame clone with a vendetta against the Romulins. I hope this is not the last TNG film. I would hate for this to go down as their final voyage.