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Member Since:May 05, 2003
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I always thought there were 2 kinds of people...
Reviewed Rang De Basanti
After much consideration, I have decided to post my review of this film. I simply wanted to formulate my thoughts, and choose my words carefully since this fiRead more...
Better Than I Expected
Reviewed Superman Returns
I have been a fan of Superman ever since I saw the first two films with Christopher Reeve, directed by Richard Donner. I will not mention the other 2, since IRead more...
Colorstay Active is awesome!
Reviewed Revlon Face Makeup
I have been using Revlons Colorstay Active foundation for the past month. It is brand new here in the U.S. I am not a big fan of foundation. I am prettyRead more...
Worth Watching on a Rainy Afternoon
Reviewed Joggers Park
The only reason I rented this film on DVD was Victor Banerjee is in the film. I enjoyed his performance in A Passage to Indian and Bitter Moon. He had stoppedRead more...
Reviewed Black - Bollywood
I have not written a review on this site for some time, but this film inspired me to give my honest opinion. I hope those of you who have watched this film caRead more...
The fresh, clean feeling!
Reviewed Noxzema Face Wash
I have not written a review in such a long time. Forgive me if I am out of practice. I thought I would start out with something simple to get me back into theRead more...
Not bad...
Reviewed Sarfarosh
I chose to watch this film on DVD, because I really like Aamir Khan and Naseeruddin Shah as actors. I also was recommended this film by some friends since I aRead more...
My opinion
Reviewed Lost in Translation
Review: I read the reviews of my fellow MS reviewers, and I must say my perspective on this film is somewhat different. I typically do not pay much attention Read more...
Rich texture!
Reviewed Dove Hair Conditioner
I loved the Dove Shampoo so much that once I ran out of Fructis Conditioner, I bought the Dove Intense Moisture Conditioner. I am glad I made the switch! MuchRead more...
Great Value!
Reviewed Dove Shampoo
I was previously using Fructis Shampoo and Conditioner, but I recently discovered Dove Intense Moisture Shampoo thanks to my husband. He was at Sams Club and Read more...
Reviewed Tang Soft Drink
I drank Tang whenever we took trips to the Middle East. In Dubai, it seems that everyone would offer it to you. Now in my own household, I keep a can of it beRead more...
The BIG Picture
Reviewed General Make Up Tips
This is my personal method of applying make up, and it works for me. I have oily skin, and sometimes I have a pimple or two around the time of my period. I muRead more...
Good advice!
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Best Friend
I have read some of the reviews on this topic, and I thought I might share my personal experience. My best friend is Ajit. I met him the second day of classesRead more...
Close to my Heart...
Reviewed Dil Chahta Hai
I literally had to drag my husband to see this movie when it came to the local theater since he does not like Bollywood films. I must say, even he enjoyed it.Read more...
Happy Ending?
Reviewed Silsila
I watched this film when I was a young girl back in Russia. Again, I watched this film a few months ago with my best friend, Ajit, since my husband hates BollRead more...
Yash Chopra at his best!
Reviewed Lamhe - FilmFare Award 1991
As many of you know, I am not that big a fan of Bollywood films in general. Just like cinema in any other country, there are great films and poor ones. I do, Read more...
Hayao Miyazaki 's Masterpiece
Reviewed Spirited Away
If you do not know who Hayao Miyazaki is, you are missing out on one of the greatest animators to date. Even the animators at Walt Disney are in awe of this mRead more...
Roman Polanski...From the Heart
Reviewed The Pianist
I am a Roman Polanski fan. I feel his style of directing is superb. If you have ever watched Rosemarys Baby, The Ninth Gate, and Chinatown you know thatRead more...
Don't Come Back!
Reviewed Terminator 3
I saw this movie on July 4 in the evening rather than brave the hot temperatures and crowds to go see fireworks. I am a fan of the first two Terminator films,Read more...
Read Carefully!
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Husband
I have written a review for what my husband has given me for a gift. Now I will write about what I have given him. I think it is better to be creative and shoRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on lallupanju's review
I enjoyed reading your review, and I rpomise to catch this film when it's on DVD from Netflix. Love, Juliana
Rated on lallupanju's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for the compliment. I liked it too, and figured a non-Indian should take a stab at reviewing it. Love, Juliana
I finally watched Rang De Basanti, but I need some time to formulate what I will say in my review. Love, Didi
Thanks for all the comments. I just wish everone who read my review would also rate it. It seems like no one votes on MS anymore. By the way, y2ksrs, I am a female and not a dude. I should have mentioned that I took my husband with me, and I LOVED the other Supeman fiulm. He liked it, but I could te Read More...
Commented on diver's review
Nice choices and variety. Thank you for not choosing Titanic!
Rated on diver's review
I still have not watched Rang De Basanti. You need to watch the movie to understand why I spoke about The Lois Lane situatrion. You'll see. I just think they added the kid so it would appeal to kids as well. Thanks for the comment, Juliana
Rated on artsed's review
Rated on authentic's review
Commented on Cticize's review
good review, beta. i am an aamir fan too. i will look for this one. Juliana
Rated on Cticize's review
I certainly hope you will not be wearing makeup anytime soon. :P
I like John Abraham myself. I must admit I like Aamir Khan the most, and then maybe Akshaye Khanna. If I was not already married, I would want to marry Akshaye. I am looking forward to 'Water' finally being released here in the US so I can see JA again. He seems to take acting seriously, which is a Read More...
Rated on princessmononoke's review
Rated on EnigmaticRose's review
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