Personally I feel that harshit was the best singer out of all the participants, though definitely not a favourite with me. his voice was absolutely amazing, and if it wasnt not his original , well he did a killer kishore kumar then. had this been a contest aired on the radio, the entire indian nation would have voted for harshit, as my dad extravagantly claims. but it s a tv show , which means people see more than they hear. and sadly harshit was not much to look at.
And frankly he was not very entertaining either. his face continued to evince that trademark scowl. and he kept on regurgitating the same old sob story, about an impecunious dad, to gain sympathy votes.
There was one thing that is common to all of the contestants. it was that all they cared about is winning. when a contestant got eliminated the valedictory hugs seemed like a dubious attempt to window-dress relief. the girls didnt atleast look as crestfallen as the guys did. some of the guys even left the stage after voicing a whole diatribe, v.nice, v.mature.then again, depression is the enemy of rapier wit.