I came to UK at an age of 14 so very young and time in hands to learn a lot right. I am studying in UK. I did my A-Levels here for two years and let me talk about that.
I Didnt know English at all, but now I am so fluent that I speak like a british.
My Computer skills were so shoddy that I didnt even know how to write on WORD you know. I was lacking knowledge of main computers and all these things. But slowly and slowly, I leant how to download songs, hindi movies in full, english movies, surf the web, find resources to study, find journal articles for essays and reports.
I was very bad at speeches and presentation and I had no confidence at all. People used to call me an introvert and I would go out and buy something in India on my own. Well, all that changed, just becuase of SUCH A HARD LIFE in england. I do my own laundry now, buy my own stuff, cook my own food, clean my room myself, wake up on my own, PREPARE MY BUDGET, check my Phone Bills, Accomodation Fees and all that. It is the harsh reality of life which the quicker and earlier you face the better.
If you face these realities when you are 25 and married, everything falls down just in one go. Take things slowly and quickly. I must agree that the burden of studies here is less compared to India, BUT WHY is the question. Well the answer is becuase in India, teachers scold to get student to get the work done. here You have to manage everything by yourself.
Now I am finally in University and currently doing my Final year and I would become a graduate at age of 20. Isnt that cool!!!!. But please remember me always when you come here the following things will happen:-
1) Homesickness
2) Feeling Lonely
BUt remember when you complete you will feel:-
1) I can argue more on specific points
2) I have much more CONFIDENCE
3) I can get a JOB anywhere I fukin WANT
4) I am mentally so strong that even the worst thing happen to my family or friends nothing would happen to me
5) You will be into so much practicallity that you would forget aruguing on stupid things and become a PROPER MAN/WOMEN
6) Family issues and friends issues wont affect you, AS Archarya Chanakya put it ’’Rishtey naate, sab shan bhanguur hain’’ means all these relations stay for a second in life, rest of the life you have to WALK THE PATH YOURSELF
7) You will be the complete man. A SELF SATISFIED person