Hmmm.. let me start off with a lets say a ..more cynical kinda an average , regular pub-goin 20 somethin .. what am I essentially lookin for ...dunno about the others man... but im looking for three things.. good inexpensive den.. and importantly ..some space to atleast coming at styx.. which some people claim is the mecca of metal in bangalore.. all ill say is.. look at the bigger picture buddy!!...the first time or my first memories of styx.. 2or 3 years ago.. was damn good actually..the place is exxxtremely small..can sit mebbe 30 ppl max... there is a screen to one side and an aquarium on the other side for the wimmen who cant watch the metal videos.... and the music was awsum to put it mildly.. now you dont find pubs that play slayer too often.. so yea.. the first time.. I was verry happy.. but 5-6 visits later... I started finding bigest probem... lack of space... weekends are a nightmare.. a few stoned supposed extreme rockers stay holed up all evening and so.. you got to wait a rellly loong while here.. secondly..(me a non-drinker).. my pals say the booze is expensive... and the service sucks big time..the waiters are rude .piss off factor 2.
so yea.. my verdict would be...if your a regular rocker .. lookin for some good pantera, or slayer.. cuz your neighbours are biting your azz.. head this way ... space or no space.. the music rocks here.. but if your looking for some moments wid your better half .. er.. not for you buddy..
if you spot a chck wid a dimebag darrel tee-thats me..:)