I use Suave, not because its the most expensive shampoo in the store, not because it has the most elegant bottle. No, I know enough about shampoo to know that it doesnt matter what the advertisements are, what the price is, or what the bottle looks like. I use Suave because it simply gets my hair clean. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. If you want, after buying Suave, you can splurge on other fun hair treatments. The cost of the shampoo is minimal, less even on sale. Ill admit, I like that. Id much rather treat myself to a hot oil treatment than pay for expensive shampoo that doesnt do any better a job than Suave.
Ive tried them all
Its true. I used to live near a beauty supply store, a store that stocked hundreds of brands of shampoo alone. Better yet, on any given day, you could pick up four free samples of shampoo there. It was a real treasure trove of hair care products, and I made good use of it. During that time, I think I tried every product on the market. Imagine my amazement then, later on, when I found myself in a hotel with no shampoo, and a little corner drug store offering only a few choices, and after choosing Suave, I found that it did just as good a job as the most expensive designer brand from the beauty supply store.
Since my hair is long and thick, I use a lot of shampoo, so it doesnt hurt to have it be inexpensive, especially if it works as well as the more expensive brands.
Its my belief that as long as your hair is clean, you are doing a good job. You neednt worry that you arent using the most expensive shampoo out there. In fact, feel a little clever if you arent. (It says something about your self confidence if you wash your hair with inexpensive shampoo, and then go out in the world, believing that you look radiant.)
It may not break the budget, but Suaves a good product, one that I use and enjoy.