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Member Since:Apr 20, 2001
0 MS Points
I'm a native of Northern California, a writer of sorts, and am currently sitting in my bungalow getting ready to help make banana pancakes. My houseguests have just arrived, so I'll edit this later!. I've a passion for hot springs, textile arts, cooking, tall redwood trees, wild rivers, and all things Humboldt.
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With Hair Down to my Knees, I Know Shampoo
Reviewed Suave Shampoo
I use Suave, not because its the most expensive shampoo in the store, not because it has the most elegant bottle. No, I know enough about shampoo to knoRead more...
I Save My Treasures for Ebay
Reviewed Ebay
Seriously If youre interested in rarities, in those obscure little goodies that you can find no where else, go to ebay.com. Why? Well, many of the auctRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on jimmy's review
Commented on rondafm's review
All the things I liked about this movie, all in one review. I've rented it so often I kick myself for not buying it after the first time. I would have saved some money! It's always good to find movies you can show to young girls that promote self esteem. For the very young, I like Disney's Mulan. Read More...
Rated on rondafm's review
Rated on quasar's review
Never fall asleep while watching this movie. Take it from one who did!
Rated on zoha's review
Really! I've tried doing this before myself, and found it nearly impossible. I will try again, but I can relate to having a site that's hard to navigate. Good review.
Rated on chalathra's review
Commented on onabreak2's review
Visit lovely Humboldt County! Char! That you were in California and I didn't get a chance to try to talk you up here. This weekend there's a huge Earth Day celebration and an intertribal Pow wow. Next weekend is the annual Godwit Days. It's not Disneyland, but people do drive slower. Great seein Read More...
Rated on onabreak2's review
Followed onabreak2
Most people only have a terrible experience with their leg hair and this product!
Commented on raghav2k's review
Brave opinion. I'm excited to see that people in India are still unafraid to speak out about corruption, and aren't so jaded as to expect corruption.
Rated on raghav2k's review
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