I love having my food @SUBWAY. Most of the times I get it delivered, very rarely I dine in.
Couple of weeks back I happened to visit Olympia Tech Park in Guindy, Chennai. I was waiting @ the counter to order subs for me and my friend. There was no courtesy(am used to this). The person @service never minds who is waiting, they just keep chatting within themselves. They never care about answering you. My friend got fedup and canceled his order and went to patankot(a north indian food counter @olympia). But I preferred taking my subs, so I waited for some time for the preparation to complete. As I have ordered veg patty they have to bake the frozen patty in the oven before packing it with the sub.
What was shocking for me there was, this guy used a plate to place the patty in the oven. the plate was already used for heating up non-veg ham as I was watching over the counter for a long time. to add to that when he placed the veg patty into the oven there was already some non-veg frozen items kept in it. He just placed this plate with veg patty adjacent to it and rest the timer to 4mins. I was really triggered by this act and I called the guy preparing my sub and asked,
[Me] this is the way you prepare frozen items always?
[Subway person] yes
[Me] I mean you use the same oven to cook veg and non-veg, also you seem to cook them together
[Subway person] yes sir, previously we used to have separate ovens for veg and non-veg but nowadays its all the same. even we use the same freezer to store them.
by now I really have to shout @ that guy and say, trash this patty and prepare me a new one, this time atleast you use a new clean plate, and cook only the patty in the oven this time.
I have had subs many time in europe(antwerp, amsterdam, paris.).the moment I say I need a veg-sub. the person @the counter would ask are you indian? when I say yes, he would use a new glove and would be very keen that everything they use @veg counter are separate, plates, knifes, ovens. even they sotre veg and non-veg in separate freezers.
Now atleast in Chennai, I doubt I might have Subs again being a Vegetarian in food habbit.