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Member Since:May 28, 2010
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R U Vegetarian. You like Subway? Think again!
Reviewed Subway - Sholinganallur - Chennai
I love having my food @SUBWAY. Most of the times I get it delivered, very rarely I dine in. Couple of weeks back I happened to visit Olympia Tech Park in GuiRead more...
6500km update! [Check comments section]
Reviewed Nissan Micra
For almost a year I have been looking for a car a supermini/hatch back that could comfort me @every aspect.Initially when I started looking for a car I had toRead more...
Gone are those days...........
Reviewed Nokia 3220
Here is something that I want to share with all the mobile users. It was on November 2004 I bought this Nokia 3220 my first ever mobile phone.Now its almost Read more...
My New LG F1256NDP5
Reviewed LG F1056LDP
Last weekend I booked a LG F1256NDP5 6KG Washing Machine from Videks, Adyar, Chennai Cost of Washing machine: Rs.28700 We already have an IFB Digital 7KG @mRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
After 5000km we did try frenzy till 165kmph. Man this vechicle is still in your hands, very precisely even beyond 140kmph. thats great !!! Hope, driving freaks can appreciate this.
I could understand most ppl are keen on the service backup and reliability aspects, that scores much more than the car itself. Let me explain what i think about service and espically automobiles....(not meant to be offensive against any make / dealer) * The moment you book the car you are committed Read More...
6500KM [22 March 2011] ================== Done 6500Km so far and the first service @1000km is over. The first service is just merely a checkup and nothing else it seems. Trust me its really fun every time i get this car on road. Its a white one! Excellent handling, easy to manuover in traffic. Read More...
Rated on mohitmobile's review
Commented on mohitmobile's review
you should be a die hard Maruti fan or a marketing manager @maruti to do such a crapy review. try something better. wish you luck.
Commented on brainnbrawn's review
Hi, just last week i got the contact, planning to order from Elektra for my new kitchen. Contact Details Ms Advani Mo.: 0 9850548347 F 2 Block, Plot W 3, MIDC, Pimpri, Pune – 411018 020 46765836 e-mail: elektraindia@yahoo.com
Rated on brainnbrawn's review
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