There was this one occasion, when one of my cousins asked the clerk: Ill take the bottle of Sub-Sauce. The man working there laughed but my cousin stayed still. Obviously, he wasnt kidding. The man told him it wasnt for sale, but he said hed give him a 12-inch for the price of a 6-inch. He guzzled down the deal instantly. Of all the fast food places Ive reviewed, Subway is number 1. I dont usually sit down and eat at Subway, but bring it home to enjoy. The food is a whole lot healthier than BK or Mcdonalds, and the food taste just as good. Here in Canada we have over 8, 000 locations nation wide, and we enjoy it. There advertising is somewhat of a joke, and a little misleading. Yeah, they show Jarred and how he lost so much weight. Well, you cant actually lose that much weight, you have to eat a turkey sub, no cheese or mayo. But Its healthier all together.
I enjoy the 12 inch Cold Cut Trio. At one point, It was known as assorted, but since they changed their menu, strange things happened. It is now called the Cold Cut Trio, which includes turkey, ham and salami.
For those on a diet, there are many subs that you can buy that are better than others. For the veggie or the health nut, theres the veggie delight, a sub which only consists of vegetables. For those who wanna lose the weight, turkey does well, with mustard, no mayo. For the wise and hungry, grilled chicken and there new (in Canada) buffalo sauce! For those who dont care, but still want healthy, ham. And, for the ones who JUST dont care, get youre subs with mayo, cheese, and all the fixings. The meatball, the BLT, the assorted, we even got fried chicken if you want. All baked on fresh homemade bread!
The bread is excellent, and compared to its (lousy) competition, Mr.Sub, its a jem. Soft, tasty and healthy. Whole wheat, hearty italian, cheese bread, and my personal favourite: Honey and oats.
Any complaints here? The price possibly, maybe 50 cents more expensive than it should be, but thats pretty much it, and I dont complain. The service at my place is fast and helpful, and will obey your every command. If you say only two tomatoes or No tomatoes or even (for the daring)BLT with no tomato, theyll do so.
So, usually twice I week a pick up sub for lunch (Hench, school has started so that is no longer possibly unless on weekends). Is it a healthy alternative? Yes and no. I call it healthy, but I dont consider it an alternative.