In June, 1938 the first comic showcasing Superman was published. It went through amazing transformation through out the decades, with good and bad TV shows;radio shows; films and yes even a musical. I think it is safe to say that in our collective consciousness Christopher Reeve is Superman! Richard Donners 1978 film put Superman on the world map, inspiring three more films and introducing him to a whole new generation. There is not a country that wont recognize the man of steel. Unlike Batman or Spider-man (which I also love) or any other super hero, Superman is not of this world. Heis the "ultimate immigrant" and so belongs to all of Earths inhabitants.
Christopher Reeve will never be replaced. He was born to play the man of steel.His stature and presence can never be duplicated. His confident assuring smile is perfect. But after watching the new movie, I am ok with Brandon Routh playing the new man of steal. He has just enough of Reeves personality for us to accept him and he brings freshness to the Superman of the new millennium. He is able to give convincing performances as Clark Kent, Kal-El and Superman. Kate Bosworth is an unlikely choice for Lois Lane, but she portrays her frustration and anger well enough for us to believe her as the character. Both Routh and Bosworth share a good amount of chemistry for us to care about them and their relationship.Frank Langella is okay as Perry White. James Marsden (X-Men films) does a better job as his nephew Richard White. Sam Huntington as Jimmy Olsen provides much of the comic relief. While Kevin Spaceys portrayal of Lex Luthor has more of a comical edge than an evil genius. The best performance in the film is given by Parker Posey as Kitty Kowalski. The real star of the film however is director Bryan Singer, who made the story and characters just right for our time.
Superman returns after an absence of five years. This idea also parallelsSupermans absence from the public eye for a number or years now. Singer has treated the story very delicately. For those that dont know, Superman Returns is not a departure from the 1978 film. It is a continuation after the second Superman movie. So this would be the third. The original third and forth are being ignored. (aside: If Superman is returning after five years of absence why does he not havelong hair like the comics? I guess the world is ready for Superman to return, just not with long hair.)
It is exhilarating to see the same blue credits flash in front of youwith the original Theme blasting away. The last shot of superman is also the same as Reeves, which was kind of nostalgic and beautiful.There are many beautiful moments in this film, where we spend time alone with Superman. We truly get a sense of who he is. I love the scene where Superman is floating in space listening for cries of help.
It is a daunting task to take an Icon like Superman and bring him backwith new faces and not take away form our collective idea of who he is. However it is very easy to point out the flaws and whats lacking. Over all Bryan Singer has done a commendable Job. The special effects need less to say are awesome but the film itself isnt perfect. There are a few flaws that need to be pointed out. For example, where is Clark Kent for the last 40 minutes of the film. No one questions or wonders where he is? Also, why does Superman struggle to stop an airplane when he can move mountains? Does he have limits? There are a few other questionalbe things about the character and the plot but the overall effect of thefilm is effective and leaves you satisfied.
I got up from my seat as the credits rolled and someone said quietly "that... was a good film". As I walked out, I pondered why he didnt say "that was an awesome film" or "that was reaaally good". He just said "that...was a good film". I guess its just that, I dont know how to explain it.
Ive been a Superman fan since I was twelve. After eagerly awaiting the film, the question remains. Like many other people, do I accept the new man of steel? Well all I can tell you is...while driving home at 1 in the morning after the opening night show. I looked at my phone and glanced at the wallpaper of Christopher Reeves majestic image as Superman starring back at me. I closed it and a smile curled up on the side of my mouth. I eagerly await the next two installments.