Firstly let me start by saying this is not what youd expect from Stephen King!
This is more of a fantasy/adventure book which he has written with Peter Straub and they have created a master piece in my opinion!
This has to be one of my all time favourate books, which I have read about 8 times now...This is quite an accomplishment as I usually read a book once and twice at the most.
This book is about Jack Sawyer.
He has to Get the Talisman if there is any hope of saving his mothers life.
She is dying from cancer and is wasting away in the alabamy inn(other wise known as a hotel)in the middle of now where.
She is hiding from Jacks Uncle Sloat who is a nasty piece of work to say the least..
The responsability has been left with Jack and this is a huge burden for him as he is so young(12)but he sets off anyway...
He has several helpers on the way and also several enemies to defeat..
He has been given some magic juice which helps him flip between this dimension and another, the other dimension holds the Talisman in its grasp(well in the dark hotel)..
My favorite character in this book apart from Jack, is Wolf, he is so adorable you cant help but love him..
I also love his adviser on the journey who is known as Speedy Parker - great character - and also very funny!!
I promise you if you decide too read this book you will not be disappointed..
You will probably laugh and cry alot as I did and will again probably when I decide to read it again..
I will say no more about the plot as I have given the general idea and dont want to spoil it for future readers..but I will say if you decide to buy this, you will not be disappointed!!
I have also heard that there is a sequal coming soon so if you do read it then you wont have long to wait for the next exciting book!!
Im not sure if this rumour is true so if you have heard it too please leave a comment - I am soooo looking forward to the follow up to this wonderful and in parts scary book!!