Here is an update of my earlier review as on 30th august 2003.
I have now had this TATA connection for the past 2 weeks. Signal reception and coverage is excellent. No difference between the Airtel GSM and tata. Though at my residence the TATA signals are full scale compared to Airtels 25% signal reception.
Previous review------
I have just got a tata mobile connection in my name for my wife. I got this under the 295 plan and my total outgo per month is 495 for which I get 125 mts free. This 495 includes the monthly emi for the LG phone which becomes mine unlike Reliance.
The talk charges are very reasonable compared to gsm. I know you dont get roaming facility but I do not need this since I have a gsm which I use.
I applied for a connection on saturday afternoon and my phone with connection was delivered on monday evening. So that was quite fast.
The only thing abour charges is that std charges are double that of GSM charges . Under GSM you can talk at 3 rs /mt to any gsm phone whereas under cdma it would come to rs 4.80.
At my residence the gsm signals are weak for any GSM operator, airtell is 25% reception, bsnl ( no signals at all), hutch 50%, but for Tata it is full strength.
Its just 2 days since I have had this phone so it is quite premature to comment on the service from TATA.
Overall happy with the talk quality and the charges.
if u are not bothered about roaming you should go in for tata cdma.