Hi!! I am inspired to write this review after many incidents of inefficiency, money making attitude and poor customer service of Tata Docomo mobile operators.
- I recharged my prepaid account online through ICICI but it never got credited to my mobile account. On contacting ICICI, they say money has been claimed by merchant, Tatadocomo says they havent received the money.
The bank asked to forward complaint with the mail from Tatadocomo that they havent received the money and the money will be refunded. But tatadocomo is not willing to send me a mail stating that.
This incident has happened last month and till now I have been writing to them for the same without any action.
2.The quality of their customer care personnel is so bad that most of them cannot even understand the problem, they have no coordination among their email department and telephone department. Its just terrible.
- They have been sending flashes( Not even SMS, flashes means it flashes on your screen with just OK button highlighted) on their mobile for activating various chargeable services and inadvertently if you press OK.
(Because many a time if mobile is in your pocket and this flash comes and a button is pressed) the service is activated and the money is deducted from your account. On such service is titled DIVE IN, I dont know what it means but charges are Rs30 per month.
Finally I had to terminate my services and change over to BSNL. Their service may seem to be bad (which is incidentally is not bad but as GOOD as any private operator) at least they are not cheating.