Hi Friends
I am writing a review after a long time since I had been moving from Bangalore to trivandrum. In Tvm, I purchased a tata Indica Turbo DLX- Cherry red!
This is the first time I have owned a diesel car and let me tel you something straight away- I feel like kicking myself for having stayed away from diesels all this while.
This car simply rocks-
Th fit an finish of the car is at par with any of its competitors. Tata has really come a long way over the last couple of years.
The interiors are cavernous- only I wish there was more travel in the drivers seat. The quality of fabric in the dlx is top notch.
Now the engine- The USP of this car. the engine is so refined once warmed up that my wife asked me one day whole on a trip to Kovalam that r u sure we have bought the diesel and not the petrol? I am not kidding-there is no noise or vibration in the car once it s warmed up.
the turbo kicks in around 2000 rpm-this equates to about 85 kph in 5th. Ont he highway, at this speed overtaking simply requires a gentle prod on the accelerator and this baby flies.
The turbo whistle is soooooo intoxicating tha ti drive with my windows down just to hear the whistle every time I mash the acclereator pedal.
the performace of this car would put a smile on the face of even the most die heard petrol head, but what would simply blow him away is the FE- I am getting a genuine 18 kpl in TVM city-with all the hilly areas and ups and downs. and on the highway, this baby returned 24 kpl, with AC on for about 20 % of the way(it was a very pleasant day) and speeds between 85 to 100 kph.
so I strongly advise all u prospective car buyers in the B segment to check out the turbo indica before buying any other car! a word of advise though- with the launch of the turbo the dealers are trying to desperately sell teh stock of the high end versions of the normally aspirated diesel- My dealer offered me a discount of 25 K plus 15 K as finance payout on the NA DLX. Bu stay away from those cars since for just an additional 10k for the Turbo, you get a car that will eath teh NA version for breakfast, lunch and Dinner!
Cheers and happy driving