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Member Since:Jan 29, 2003
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I am a lawyer practicing corporate and civil laws in Delhi. I have my own law firm and am a self confessed car nut. Presently I own a hyundai accent GVS, tata indica DLX Turbo and a tata Indica Lsi. cars, bikes, cricket, rock music, quwallis, nature, travelling and anything to do with water....
About Me
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Bad Experience with Indica Turbo @ 5000 KMS
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Turbo
Hi Folks, Till now I had been a pretty satisfied Indica Turbo owner, having rakd up approx 5000 kms in 4 months. The car consistently gave me 17 KPL in the cRead more...
TDi Rocks
Reviewed Tata Indica - Diesel
Hi Friends I am writing a review after a long time since I had been moving from Bangalore to trivandrum. In Tvm, I purchased a tata Indica Turbo DLX- Cherry Read more...
Reviewed Bimal Auto Agency - Yelahanka - Bangalore
Hi Friends, I am in the process of making a career move by relocating from Delhi to Bangalore. As part of this move, I have decided to sell off my existing cRead more...
Will it be a success?-Of course
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
Hi Friends, Just came from the launch of the Swift. Thought I would share my experiences with you guys. In the flesh, the swift is simply a STUNNER, except Read more...
Accent after a year
Reviewed Hyundai Accent GVS
Hi Friends, Have just completed 1 year and 10,000 kms in my GVS and thought I should share my experiences with you. I had also bought an Ikon flair around thRead more...
Indigo turbo intercooler
Reviewed Tata Indigo - Diesel
Hi guys, Just saw an ad in the delhi papers for a tata indigo TDi, BSIII, 70bhp with 13.5 kgm of torque. However, the tata website is silent on this. Does Read more...
Reviewed Ford Ikon
Hi, I have been driving an Ikon flair for the last one year and have completed 11000 kms on it so far. The Ikon is a great car in most respects, the only doRead more...
THunderbird or not?
Reviewed Bullet ThunderBird
Hi Friends, Looking for some advice from allyou bullet freaks out there. Wanna buy a bullet, mainly for weekend rides and accassional highway jaunts around dRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on deepakhon's review
Commented on kedar_ap's review
Hi Kedar That was a nice review of the Xeta. Just a couple of points though: u mentioned that the FE is 11-12 in the city. i think taht is quite good considering even a santro gives the same with AC. Also pl remember that tata claims 14 under standard test conditions. your comment abo Read More...
Rated on noble_eagle11's review
Commented on nasty_niel's review
Hi That was one hell of a revu. I am very keen on hte Victa but was a bit apprehensive considering the bad press the Sumo has been getting over the years, and TATA motors general apathy towards its customers (real or percieved?) Keep writing in with your experiences esp. regarding reliabil Read More...
Commented on slayernarc's review
Hi Dude, Ditto for me on ur comments. I have also recently bought an esteem (Lxi) in Jul 05, upon relocating from Delhi to Bangalore. I used to drive an Ikon and an Accent in Delhi, but for peace of mind, decided to go for a maruti product in Bangalore, since it is a new city for me and I didnt w Read More...
Rated on titodasgupta's review
Rated on pulsarian's review
Rated on saumil_b's review
Rated on G-raptor's review
Commented on G-raptor's review
THis is a good revu. What we have to realise is that ever since the cold war era, britain has been a lap dog of teh US and has no identity of its own. Its economy is screwed, it has nothing world class to boast of and is hanging on to its once (admittedly) gloroius past. Hence the only way in which Read More...
Commented on saumil_b's review
Saumil, WHat kind of a review is this. This is totally crap. U gave absolutely inaccurate data. The esteem has an 85 bhp engine and not 65bhp. That was the power output of the earlier carb engine. Plus, the models in teh market today are LX, LXI and VXi. The AX is no longer on sale. AS regards Read More...
Commented on srini.kris's review
Hi Would appreciate if u could throw some light on the dealers and ur experience with them as well Cheers HG
Rated on rock2210's review
Commented on abbiji's review
Hi, Very good Review. Touched a chord. You are absolutely right when you talk of car makers taking us for a ride. In fact, over teh last couple of years, the market has seen a major price correction, esp in the C segment. But this is not because the car makers, esp teh 'Foreign' ones, had a chang Read More...
Commented on tarunkant's review
hi sujai The car tarun is referring to is the petrol version which does not have a turbo. Cheers HG
Rated on tarunkant's review
Hi Tarun, Think twice before buying an Indigo. I own a petrol Indica and although the car has been relatively trouble free, it feels quite coarse and agricultural to drive. ALso, if you are above 5ft10inches, pls take a long test drive before buying the indigo since the indica and indigo have ver Read More...
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