*My friend booked an Indica Xeta during last week of Dec 2006 from fortune motors private ltd mumbai. The dealer told him if he want to be part of 4 million offer and avail discount, he has to pay the entire amount before 2oth December. He somehow run from pillar to post to get the loan sactioned and paid the entire amount to the dealer in time.
After prolonged consultations from various people, he selected Lagoon Blue color. He was told by the dealer that he will receive the car only by the 2nd week of January 2007. And he was also given an impression that he will receive a fresh gadi. Unfortunately, now it is understood that the Company has disconitnued L/Blue color and instead he has been asked to choose any color betwen Silver and Salsa Red. He thought of waiting for an alternate blue color fromt he company, but the dealer says, it may take months for the new color to come and the cost may also escalate.
Is the dealers statement is true? Did any one come acorss such a situation? In this circumstances, what to do?** Is anyone having salsa red already? Whether any fading in color is experienced.