Hello everyone,
This is the sad (maybe its a blessing in disguise) saga of the plight of bachelors in cities. First I found a flat after a LOT of search as 99% of the appartment associations have surprisingly voted against renting their flats to bachelors (wonder if they are married by birth??).
Finally, I found a flat and landed there. Then, I wanted a phone connection. When I was going home from office, I saw a TATA INDICOM stall (set up on a road side alongside a Reliance and BSNL stalls) and the text FOR ONLY RS.1500 displayed prominantly on a banner. Since there was heavy traffic, I went home and to my plesant surprise spotted a similar stall near my appartment (but without that banner).
I went to him and checked out their offer. All went well for a while, then he said that the connection would cost me Rs.2000/-. I was taken aback and told him that I saw their banner in another stall which said the price was Rs.1500. He refused to accept and challenged me that I cannot get a connection for Rs.1500 ANYWHERE from TATA INDICOM. PUzzled (as their govt. competitor BSNL was charging only Rs.1000), I made my second request for a good number, he called up his superior and threw the phone at me asking me to talk directly to him.
Anyway, I noted some boring numbers he gave and hung up. Then I wanted the bill delivered to my Office address and not to my residence (I get all my bills for mobile, credit card etc to office address only). He was confused at this and called up his superior again. This time that guy started losing patience and during the conversation, I told him that I am a bachelor. His reply made my mind SPIN, SPIN and SPIN.
Sorry sir, we dont issue connections to Bachelors
I slapped the phone and walked away without a word. Ive never seen or heard such discrimination before. So, this is the way these so called telecom-giants make the policies. Honestly, I dont understand whats wrong with being bachelors. If a person is inclined to cheat, he/she would do it irrespective of his/her marital status. What makes these Junk Heads brand bachelors as defaulters/frauds?
I wrote a mail to Tata Indicom regarding this and the only thing I heard back was their auto-response. No one ever got back again. So, they accept they strictly follow the rule.
If a Tata Indicom staffer is reading this review, let me tell you, We bachelors are equally responsible in the society as you are and the fact that Ive not yet married at 25 doesnt make me a convict or outlaw who tries to cheat you. Shame on you for such discrimination.