Well I was looking forward to test drive the Indigo CS after hearing lots of praise from my friends about being a cheap sedan etc. but after getting a first hand feel all I can say is that I am disappointed. for the last 3 weeks I am test-driving various cars since I want to buy a sedan which falls under the 5-6 lakh price category. So let me start with Indigo CS.....
The problem with indigo CS DICOR the car which I test drove is that it is noisy and the vibrations can be easily felt. it literally feels like u r sitting inside a truck. the gears are very rough more rougher than my 6 year old Santro. the ride was rough too. the torque was low in 2nd gear. but improves once it gains speed. I dont know if the vehicle had a problem or if all Indigo CS Dicor vehicles have such rough gear shifting mechanisms.
many wud say this is common with all diesel vehicles right ? wrong. if u test drive Logan and Dzire that impression will quickly change. I am giving the opinions on the other 2 entry sedan vehicles so that reviewers can know the difference.
i wud rate Dzire the best among entry-sedan diesel category, infact while driving it I was shocked and began to doubt whether it was petrol or diesel vehicle since it is almost as silent as a petrol vehicle and the comfort feeling is amazing. my wife was also completely thrilled with a very comfortable ride on a really bumpy rough tumkur road near yeshwantpur. Swift Dzire literally blew me out. No wonder it has got a waiting period of 8-9 months in bangalore and all my hopes of owing it has vaporised since no one can wait for 9 months after paying money.
Next let me come to Logan
Logan is a very good vehicle once u get used to the reverse controls, reverse wipers etc. Pickup is good, comfort is nice. I wud rate it bit lower to Dzire in terms of engine performance and also interiors. However the only annoying problem I hav with logan is the positioning of the steering wheel, its so low that a 6 ft tall above-average built guy like me finds it very difficult to get in and out of the vehicle. The steering literally brushes against my thighs and I find it really uncomfrtable to hav something brush against your body especially while driving. Some of my friends had told me abt this but I did not pay attention to this problem untill I began to feel it literally.
Least they cud do was give a tilt-steering mechanism and this annoying issue was over. but when enquired the guy told none of the variants had that !!!
Dzire is more refined than logan and more powerful according to specs and once can feel it literally no doubt. but the problem is that it looks ugly. atleast I find it ugly but the interiors including engine is superb if u r ready to ignore looks and wait for 9 months to get the vehicle, then go for it... :-)
On the other hand indigo CS looks sexy also it the lowest price sedan, so if you think from those angles it is a winner no doubt, but if you are ready to adjust with cheap interiors, inferior engine performance with respect to torque, pickup, vibrations and noise. then you can choose it.
if you want the best of both worlds and a little compromise I wud say the middle way is Logan, if only you can get around the steering wheel without abusing the manufacturers that is...