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Member Since:Mar 30, 2005
0 MS Points
I am a smart guy with strong opinions on most of the things. honesty and sincerity is something that I value. I have a disregard for brands and I am almost a nonconformist to some extent. I don't appreciate something just b'coz its branded or of high reputation which most of us do without realizing instead try to rate the product mostly on its merits or demerits. Music, Reading, Traveling
About Me
Education: M.S(Computer Science)
Food and Drinks: Beer and Chicken kababBooks: The tao of physics, In search of schrondingers catMovie Stars: Amitabh BachaanMovies: Matrix, Chan de India, Range de basanti, Judegement day, WaterworldMusic: Trance, Psychedelic Rock, Metal, Instrumental
Food and Drinks: Beer and Chicken kabab
Books: The tao of physics, In search of schrondingers cat
Movie Stars: Amitabh Bachaan
Movies: Matrix, Chan de India, Range de basanti, Judegement day, Waterworld
Music: Trance, Psychedelic Rock, Metal, Instrumental
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Beware of kidzoba
Reviewed Kidzoba
I was very happy to find a kid toy portal online when I first visited kidzoba. The website as such is very neat with all the modern features. It has got filteRead more...
Robot a copy of movie "Making Mr.right"
Reviewed Robot
How I wish this movie was original. They could have atleast given the due credit to the original movie. Yes, ROBOT the movie has been shamelessly copied frameRead more...
Raavan, A Beautiful Boring Movie
Reviewed Raavan
Ya, I never thought I wud use that adjective "beautiful" with the word boring sounds contradictory isnt it? But tats what precisely Raavan is all about. The sRead more...
Good political drama
Reviewed Raajneeti
Rajneeti which is one of the most anticipated movies to be released in 2010 does not disappoint the viewers in the least. The latest political drama which borRead more...
Kites is a good movie
Reviewed Kites
Well let me start by contradicting myself. I mean before seeing this movie I was expecting a real boring movie after reading all the negative MS reviews. but Read more...
Reviewed Housefull
Here comes another mindless comedy. The starting of the movie pays tribute to greats like manmohan desai, prakash mehra and other iconic directors of bygone Read more...
All the worst
Reviewed All The Best
I am suprised to find so many positive review on this website. its that either ppl were having such a good time that they did not bother watching the movie orRead more...
Worst garage, infact they are thieves
Reviewed India Garage - Bangalore
I bought by logan GLX 1.4 from India garage, bangalore. Their presales was excellent and hence I thought that their after sales servicing will also would be gRead more...
Amazing horror flick
Reviewed 13B
I saw 13b yesterday with very low expectations since I was thinking it to be another cheap horror flick but to my utter surprise the first 10 mins of the moviRead more...
Brilliant movie
Reviewed Sarkar Raj
I saw sarkar raj amid a lot of trepidations since many ppl were floating around negative reviews. I think a lot of unnecessary noise was created over the bacRead more...
Amazing car, if looks were little better
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire
I am searching for a car in 5-6 lakh car segment, and hence the i started to began by test driving most of the cars in this segment. To begin with I was leasRead more...
De Gaali
Reviewed De Taali
I did not quite plan to watch this movie but it was a last minute hasty decision to watch the movie which proved costly to me. I was expecting it to be a lighRead more...
Disappointing, was expecting much more.
Reviewed Tata Indigo CS
Well I was looking forward to test drive the Indigo CS after hearing lots of praise from my friends about being a cheap sedan etc. but after getting a first hRead more...
Good entertaining movie
Reviewed Bhool Bhulaiyaa
The momentI heard priyadarshan was directing it iwas expecting this movie to be an out and out comedy, but then this not exactly a comedy. Its more than that Read more...
Cash - Wat a Trash !!!
Reviewed Cash
Well to start with I was not so keen watching this movie but seeing the star cast somewhat similar to DUS, I thought it wud be just about entertaining. HonestRead more...
Probably one of the best cinema
Reviewed Rang De Basanti
Err, I knw I am late in writing this review but then what to do I am new to mouthshut. I wanted to point out a few things about this movie, first is the plotRead more...
Amazing screenplay, direction
Reviewed Cheeni Kum
Well how many movies do we hav which inspite of having a one line story has got such a amazing entertainment value. I was initially reluctant to go for cheRead more...
Reviewed Chandramukhi - Tamil
Well after seeing this I actually wanted to give a 0 rating but mouthshut has a minimum of 1. i saw this movie recently hence some of my friends told me thatRead more...
Pathetic !!!
Reviewed Sivaji - The Boss
well wat shud I say about the movie. I just watched it. its horrible. I dont know why they gave blonde hair to rajni wats with that. anyways I know I will getRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Drillmachine's review
Commented on Drillmachine's review
Looks like you are a failed actress jealous of chitrangadha's new found success. Stop being a crooked jealous woman and do something worthwhile in your life
Rated on anonymous_rai's review
Commented on anonymous_rai's review
no no he is actually a Neutral 'DieHard Salman worshipping' Fan... Ha ha ha
Commented on Rohit_Roy's review
Boss you have lot of guts to atleast complete the movie, I saw it for half an hour and was OUT...wat else can u expect from prabhu deva. One really can't blame him since the Indian movie these days has been reduced to ''541'' formula...5 fights, 4 songs and 1or2 item songs... tats it.. Thank god Read More...
Commented on own review
rvn, you seem to be mentally disturbed.. see a shrink and unshrink your head.. it really is zipped up...the neurons in your brain are not firing and are repeating like a broken record ''see a shrink''. May be your inner consiousness is trying to help your brain. Poor you, Get out man and cure yourse Read More...
my dear friend why don't u take your own advice and see one. What was that figure you said 1200 crores. I had a hearty laugh on that one. Did you not even wince once before coming up with that figure coz no sane person wud come up with that number other than a hardcore rajni fan or a mentally challe Read More...
Thanks for your comments rvn1999, but there was no tamil novel involved her. The movie is not only copied directly from the 1987 Hollywood movie but the even most of the scenes are directly copied form the original movie. The end is twisted though and made a good guy vs bad guy competition. If you s Read More...
Commented on amit2992's review
@poornima well I agree with you whole heartedly. the review is very bad, infact i could not complete it. Hope the movie is better.. Also you can't expect much from a guy who adores movies like ROBOT even after being told that it is a shameless Hollywood ripoff... !!!
Rated on leviathan47's review
Commented on leviathan47's review
''Screenplay: Veeeerrrrry Sloooooowwww.'' Do you know what is screenplay ? ha ha please explain me i would like to know it from you. If you call this movie as slow paced i don't know what is fast pace. 2 things either someone paid you to write an anti-SRK review OR you are a die-hard salman khan Read More...
Commented on viratbond's review
Good review and a very valid point, which was going through my mind for quite some time. Everybody has preconceived notions about everything as you have mentioned. I have increasingly seen ppl hate SRK movies bcoz they ought to hate them. I am neither a fan of SRK neither do I hate him. I am neutr Read More...
Rated on viratbond's review
Rated on amitsdotcom's review
Commented on amitsdotcom's review
FAKEEEEEE... watch the movie and then write the reviews.. looks like lot of useless sallu fans.
Commented on Paulsb02's review
Thanks for your wishes paul, but I certainly don’t need them since it is neither my career nor do i intend to pursue a career in it. It is rather just a hobby. ’’we are judging the effect and not the process’’ as you have mentioned, that’s what i precisely meant to say. In this case the movie woul Read More...
Rated on Paulsb02's review
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