Ive been using Tata Sky from more than 2 years, I was their first customer in my society as I was willing to give it a try.
I got to say that Im impressed with the picture quality BUT they got no. of ways to charge you much extra, once you are under their subscription. No matter its your fault or not.
My picture/signal was hanging up for 10 secs or so, after every 3-4 mins, I called them and demanded them to rectify issue - what they usually do in cases like these is, "Turn off your digicomp, turn on your digicomp, reset it by pressing 4 keys"(you lost all your saved settings in between) and issue is still there.:)
What they got next is usually: "Our technician can visit you for only Rs. 350".
Rs. 350/-? for what? per visit charges. wow.
Im having Airtel Internet connections from years and they never took a penny to come and rectify issues at my home/office for 100 times. why Tata sky then? are their technicians that smart?
No, their technicians are no other than Indian employees who get paid same salary monthly. But, its part of the strategy of Tata Sky, to sell connection at cheap first, grab a big user-base, and after they are dependent on Tata, exploit them by charging EXTRA.
I got to say, dont go after cheap pricing of Tata, they got plenty of tricks to play on you.