I purchased the subscriprion for tata sky tv through their helpline 04066006633. on 21st oct06 when contacted, the sales person was very promt in telling me all features available on the product and said a special scheme (of rs.200 monthly subscribtion is available for limited period, i.e till 25th oct06). the hardware (with out the antenna) for the sysyetm was delivered at my office on 24th oct06, after collecting full payment, which included the dish antenna. the good times end there, I had requested for installation on 28th oct06. the system registered the request as 27th oct06. I requested for a change, the same was changed to 26th oct06 instead of 28th oct06 !!!!
i was told that the engineer would conatact me anytime. today is 30th oct06 and any time is yet to come. on checking with the helpline, was told they do not have the contact number of the engineer !!!! this is nothing but taking consumers for a ride through the sky.
mind you this is not the first poor experience for me with tata. I had subscribed for their land line, I staretd recieving the bills in my fathres name, poor soul is not alive. tatas had taken his name from my pan card. helpline asked me to lodge the compalint with their service provider, this was disgusting, I got the line diconnected.
i have decided not to install the tata sky tv and intend to create public awareness about irresponsible attitude of this company through media