I bought Tata Safari Dicor last year and never faced a problem till now. I am absolutely enjoying it. It is the SUV I could have bought.
But as far as servicing is concerned, the service centers are a let down. I recently visited Tata plant at Pune and was throughly impressed by the professionalism at that place. But I am sure the same kind of work ethos has not filtered down to their services centre.
I am at Ooty and been to their service centre here for my free servicing. The service centre didnt have any spares, it didnt have the washing facility serviceable, he did not attend atleast 03 of my complaints and on top of that the attendent there was extremely rude. I mentioned the same in the feedback on the job card there but in vain. No response!!! I wrote to their customer care.
No Action!! I had got email ID of their customer care officer when I had visited their plant. The email Id is also wrong. SURPRISING!!! This is not one freak case. Recently, I visited their service centre at coimbatore also.
They attended me well but they also didnt have the spare parts available. Tata is the most widespread brand and they claim to roll out a car in every 63 seconds, but whats the use when there is no support available post sale. It is extremely unfortunate to experience such incidents from the company of such repute.