Uninor has pleased me, and here I am to write a short yet succinct review about the cellular services provided by the company. Cost of the Sim card: Rs 125
Talk-time provided : Rs 125
Time taken for activation : Immediate
Time taken to submit documents from my end : 4 days
Disconnection, if any: None
Tariff Plan : Prepaid, Discount 24 x 7
What I find good about the product:
Brilliant Network - absolutely brilliant!! I stay in South Central Mumbai and have used Uninor in the western suburbs, central suburbs and in South/South Central Mumbai. The network has never fluctuated , no call drops, no disturbance, no call congestion.
Despite being the youngest operator in the market, Uninor can pride itself to be one of the best in terms of network quality.
Inexpensive - I am on the Discount 24 x 7 plan (valid for a year) - this plan offers me the opportunity to save upto 60% on all local calls made. Discounts vary minute to minute and location to location.For eg: I called a friend when I was travelling from Dadar to Mahim. Halfway to Matunga, I disconnected the call and called another friend. The first call cost me 45 paise/minute, a discount of 10% :: the second call made from between Matunga and Dadar cost me 20 paise/minute, a discount of a wholesome 60%
All STD calls are at 50paise/minute which has become the rule these days for most of the operators offering discounted tariffs and local/national SMS are at 25 paise.
Things worth improving -
Value added services - Value added services viz Callertunes, GPRS propositions (in terms of value/cost), availability of recharge coupons/retailer options need improvement but since they are so young in the market, I can offer them leeway! Customer Care would need a revamp, slight! ;)
Great Job UNINOR - Happy to be your customer!