I’m no expert on music( as I painfully found out from the ratings of my music reviews)but I still feel that a person has got the right to voice his/her opinion. So here I am, voicing my opinions.
You might not find this list as detailed or exotic as the other reviews, but hey, everyone’s got their capabilities and tastes. So I proudly present( in no particular order), my all time to ten videos!
Under Pressure- Queen and David Bowie
This video featured clips and photos showing the stress and strains of modern life, such as buildings being demolished, rush hour in Tokyo. The stark images went very well with the https://lyrics.
Another brick in the wall part2 – Pink Floyd
Very creative and unusual video. Showed kids taking over the school and burning it down. It had some dark humour(both song and video) .E.g. As the school burns down, the headmaster tries to take control by saying: “ behave or you wont get you pudding”. Very philosophical if you think about it.
Come with me- Puff Daddy and Jimmy Page
This video showed Puff daddy being chased through a city by Godzilla, destroying half the city in the process. The song was also quite good, featuring Puff Daddy being accompanied by an orchestra.( Yes, they’re also in the video, as is Jimmy Page( of Led Zeppelin fame) himself.
James Bond Theme(Moby’s reversion)- Moby
This video was a kind of spoof on the James bond movies. It shoed Moby being chased by all sorts of evil-doers such as secret agents, trucks, etc, with Moby getting the lady in the end. The song itself was excellent!( What else do you expect from Moby?) I wonders why the producers didn’t select it as the official bond theme for “Tomorrow never dies “.
Estranged- Guns ‘n Roses
I think this is the longest Video I have seen till date. I didn’t bother counting, but it is 10 min at least. This is one imaginative video. Everything form concert stages, to dolphins swimming on the flooded streets are in this video. A must see even if you aren’t a Guns ‘n Roses fan.
Scream- Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson
Very Surreal. It showed Michael and Janet trapped alone in a space ship and how they start feeling the pressure and well, start to scream. So far so good. But the video is in black and white, and this gives it a very unusual feel.
Turn Back time-Aqua
This song is as different as you can get from a normal Aqua song. No funny lyrics, no funny video. Everyone looked and sounded sombre. Both the video and the song had a dark feel to it. Perhaps their only serious song till date.
Right here, right now- Fatboy Slim
Perhaps, the lyricist was having a writer’s block. Entire song consists of 4 words( the title). I don’t know. But the music and video absolutely rock! The video showed Fatboy slim evolving form a 1 celled organism to the modern homo sapien( a.k.a Fatboy slim). Highly unusual in the way it’s done.
Earth Song- Michael Jackson
This thought-provoking video showed the pain and suffering that humans put upon themselves and others. Included a war-torn European village, a drought stricken village in Africa and a Brazilian rainforest being chopped down. The ending sequence, shows time flying back as the Earth is “ reborn” and humanity starting afresh. Very powerful images and music.
To the moon and back – Savage Garden
Another surrealistic video. No flying to the moon is actually undertaken. Its just that images blend, so well with the lyrics going on. Actually has an eiree feel to it, that you just cant put your finger on.
Honourable mentions:
Thriller, Heal the world, Ghosts, Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson
Backstreet’s Back- Backstreet Boys.
No shelter- Rage against the Machine
Music, Frozen- Madonna
The memory Remains, Unforgiven 2- Metallica.
Final countdown-Europe