I am doing this review just for the pleasure of recalling all those amazing music videos which were an important part of my growing up in high school & 1st year of college.Remember those were the heady days of non desi pure MTV when the only music was rock music. Its difficult to list my fav music videos of all timescoz there were so many & unlike films there are no parameters of judging a music videos. A video which might look the shittiest video of all time to me might be the best piece of art in the name of music video to you.
BEAUTY lies in the eye of the BEHOLDER couldnt have been more appropriate.
Before I start naling down my fav. videos I must inform you that theres no ranking of these videos.
ESTRANGED: GUNSn ROSES - This was the video that defined my generation. Remember MTV on DD2? Remember Rahul Khanna signing off every single day at 6:45 with the video of Estranged? It was a ritual for Rahul & became a habit for us. I always say to my friends who cannot fathom the popularity of the likes of Britney Spears.
If you show a Tomato on Tv 24 hrs a day to the people, they are gonna buy Tomatoes the next morning
Man the Tomatoes were really good those days. Estranged has to one of the best music videos of the 90s. I can write pages about this video but I think I dont have to.right?
But I must mention their other videos like NOVEMBER RAIN, DONT CRY, PATIENCE were all fantastic videos. Any GnR video was good
AMAZING: AEROSMITH - Alicia Silverstone! Plain & simple. she was another powerfull symbol of my growing up years. My first celeb crush. Sometimes I wonder what was Aerosmiths greatest gift to us- the music or Alicia?:) . besides this video was cool for the concept also. Virtual reality.bike.alicia.
Like GnR Aerosmith also were known for their AMAZING videos. Videos like CRAZY, LIVING ON THE EDGE,
CALIFORNICATION: RHCP - One of the coolest videos in recent years. The concept of the video game is superb and the way animation is mixed with film. TRIPPY!
WICKED GAME: Chris Isaak- THE HOT VIDEO! This has to be the most sensual music video ever. The black & white look, Stephenie Seymours perfec 10 body, Chris Isaaks haunting vocals.it still mesmerizes me even after all these years.
RETURN OF INNOCENCE: ENIGMA - This was & still is a milestone album in the history of music in this post modern era. Both - the music & its video. Both were completely mindblowing. Even a million hearing of the songs does not make the songs from this album boring. And what can I say about the video. It shows everything happening in reverse mode.
SMOOTH CRIMINAL: MJ - This was my fav. Jackson video. My friend who was a MJ freak had recorded all MJ videos from MTV when he used to for abroad for vacations( this was before cable & gulf war happened). Jackson was GOD that time. I remember watching this video everyday after coming back from school. That 45 degree step has become a legendry step after this video. Of all the MJ videos I think this was the best choreographed.
I WOULD LIE FOR YOU: MEATLOAF - Actually like GnR & Aerosmith its difficult to pick one particular Meatloaf video as the best. They were all equally good.
THE WALL: Pink Floyd - The whole film. Its unfair to pick out any one part from this epic album. This is a must have in any DVD collection.
WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME: U2 - This was one of my fav. video . I loved the concept of this video. How they play on top of a Hotel Building stopping the traffic in the process. With people in the streets becoming the audience & finally the cops doing what they r best at- stopping people from having a good time.
RIGHT NOW: VAL HALEN - This is my fav all time music video. Its the most creative video ever.Period.
Of the local videos which I love are-
ANJAANE: STRINGS- This has to be the best music video from our subcontinent. Its amazing how the best music album & the best music video comes from our Paki brothers. Its a superb album. This video is as good as any international music video. The shots are poetic.
DOOBA DOOBA: Silk Route- I guess you know why.
PAISA: Aghosh- This is the most funny Indian video I have seen. damn cool.
Of the recent videos I like Fatboy Slims videos esp Right Here Right Now & PRaise YOU. I like MOBY videos too.
So thats it. Thats all I can remember right now & Im damn sure I have left some amazing videoscoz I dont remember them as of now. So if I missed a masterpiece, blame my memory!